Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Quiz 1 - 21st Century Survival Skills

Survival Skills
1 - Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
2 - Collaboration Across Networks & Leading by Influence
3 - Agility & Adaptability
4 - Initiative & Entrepreneurialism
5 - Effective Oral & Written Communication
6 - Accessing & Analyzing Information
7 - Curiosity & Imagination

Your Quiz 
Leave a Comment that answers the questions below. Point values are in parenthesis. (Hint: You may want to create a Google Doc or Word Doc to compile your thoughts and analyze your information before leaving your comment. I suggest copying the requirements below into another doc to ensure you meet all the requirements. 

Your Comment Must Include:
First Name, Last Initial (x/5)
A. Which Skill (# and name) are you going to discuss? (x/5)
B. Write a quote (Google it and find something thought provoking) that relates to the skill. (xx/10)
C. Explain something in this class that you might do to promote the development of the skill. (xx/25)
D. Identify a project or assignment in any other class you have taken or are taking that has directly or indirectly promoted one of the 7 Survival Skills. Give specific examples of why you feel this way. (xx/20)
Answers are original, have some depth, and relate to your life. (xx/20)
Comment is in a neat and organized format. Use the letters above. (xx/10)
Self-Evaluate your performance on this Quiz (x/5)
Total Quiz Score = XX/100 (you do the math :0)


  1. Trevor L (5/5)
    A.) I'm going discuss skill number 3, Agility & Adaptability (5/5)
    B.) Map out you're future - but do it in pencil. -- Jon Bon Jovi (10/10)
    C.) In order to help promote the development of agility and adaptability in class, I will push myself out of my comfort zone and work hard. If I can do this, I will have to adapt to the situation. (25/25)
    D.) Everyone has experienced giving a verbal report and/or presentation. That supports skill number 5, Effective Oral & Written Communication. (20/20)

    Answers are original, have some depth, and relate to your life. (20/20)
    Comment is in a neat and organized format. Use the letters above. (10/10)
    Self-Evaluate your performance on this Quiz (5/5)
    Total Quiz Score = 100/100 (I did the math :D)

  2. Ryan, DesJardins (5/5)
    A) Skill #7 (5/5)
    B) 'The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.'-Albert Einstein (10/10)
    C) I can take the time to learn more about what I don't know but would like to know about Computer Programming. (23/25)
    D) Many projects in ICE require the use of curiosity and imagination. The Platform Climber we had to make required the imagination to build a robot which could climb the platforms and also curiosity was needed to figure out how to use the materials provided. (20/20)
    Answers: (18/20)
    Comment: (10/10)
    Self-Evaluation: (5/5)
    Total: (96/100)

  3. Caitlin, W
    A. 3 Agility & Adaptability
    B. It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change. -Charles Darwin
    C.In this class I will have to be able to adapt to the changing paces of the college course. At times I might have to work faster and at other times I might have to work slower.
    D. For Spanish class last year had to give a presentation in Spanish where I had to talk at a slower pace than I normally would so that my classmates would be able to understand what I was saying.
    I believe that I did well on this quiz. I put forth effort and these answers relate to my life.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Andrew, S
    A.Critical Thinking & Problem Solving (#1)

    B."We must learn to welcome rather than fear the voices of dissent. We must dare to think about 'unthinkable things,' because when things become 'unthinkable,' thinking stops and actions become mindless." - J. William Fulbright, US Senator (D-AR) (1905-1995)

    C.When I am stuck on a project, I will take a moment and think of all the possible things I can do to overcome it.

    D.Almost every project that I have done has promoted this skill, but one that has stood out to me was the "Fake Historical Radio Broadcast" project, this project had a group of people work together on a creative radio show and everything had to be completely original, all of us had to think for long periods of time to come up with an original project, most of us had problems in the process of putting it together and we had to overcome this by collaborating and thinking.

    A.(5/5) B.(10/10) C.(17/25) D.(18/20)
    Original.(19/20) Neatness.(9/10) Self Ev.(5/5)

  6. Zachary, Loper(5/5)
    A.)Skill #1 (5/5)
    B.)"It is today we must create the world of the future." - Eleanor Roosevelt(10/10)
    C.)Instead of always asking people for help on something when i am challenged i can think even harder and i can try and use critical thinking and problem solving to help me figure it out on my own.(24/25)
    D.)One of the challenges i had where i had to use problem solving and critical thinking is in I.C.E. when we made the robot we had to figure out a way to get my robot to climb up things and it wasn't working so i had to use problem solving with my group and use critical thinking to find a way to get my robot to climb objects.(20/20)
    Total: (98/100)

  7. Michael W. (5/5)
    A. Critical thinking and problem solving is the skill that I am going to talk about. (5/5)
    B. A famous quote by Neil DeGrassi Tyson is when she said "I don't want someone to say, something is true because someone else said its true." (10/10)
    C. Something that I may encounter in this class, that may help me develop this skill is if I get stuck on a project or assignment, I may not be able to turn to help for an answer so I would need to solve that problem using critical thinking. (22/25)
    D. I feel that in my intro to computer applications class I had to use critical thinking to figure out some issues that I encountered while using the program Dreamweaver. (20/20)
    Answers (18/20)
    Comment (10/10)
    Self-Evaluation (5/5)
    Self Evaluation (95/100)

  8. Zachary, Loper(5/5)
    A.)Skill #1 (5/5)
    B.)"It is today we must create the world of the future." - Eleanor Roosevelt(10/10)
    C.)Instead of always asking people for help on something when i am challenged i can think even harder and i can try and use critical thinking and problem solving to help me figure it out on my own.(24/25)
    D.)One of the challenges i had where i had to use problem solving and critical thinking is in I.C.E. when we made the robot we had to figure out a way to get my robot to climb up things and it wasn't working so i had to use problem solving with my group and use critical thinking to find a way to get my robot to climb objects.(20/20)
    Total: (98/100)

  9. Michael H (5/5)
    A.3- Agility & Adaptability(5/5)
    B.“ The Measure of intelligence is the ability to change” - Albert Eienstein(8/10)
    C. I would adapt to computer programing quicker.(24/25)
    D.In Applied physical science the problem solving from each project is enormous. I feel this way because you have to think of how to make your project work when it does not.(20/20)
    Answers are original, have some depth, and relate to your life(20/20)
    Comment is in a neat and organized format. Use the letters above.(10/10)
    self- Evaluate your performance on this Quiz(5/5)
    Total Quiz score= 97/100

  10. Michael H (5/5)
    A.3- Agility & Adaptability(5/5)
    B.“ The Measure of intelligence is the ability to change” - Albert Eienstein(8/10)
    C. I would adapt to computer programing quicker.(24/25)
    D.In Applied physical science the problem solving from each project is enormous. I feel this way because you have to think of how to make your project work when it does not.(20/20)
    Answers are original, have some depth, and relate to your life(20/20)
    Comment is in a neat and organized format. Use the letters above.(10/10)
    self- Evaluate your performance on this Quiz(5/5)
    Total Quiz score= 97/100

  11. Matt Ess
    A. Skill #15/5
    "One thing is sure. We have to do something. We have to do the best we know how at the moment . . . ; If it doesn't turn out right, we can modify it as we go along."
    — Franklin D.Roosevelt
    counseling Frances Perkins 10/10
    C. A way to show this skill in class is if you don't know what to do you can ask friends and try to solve it instead of asking teacher.23/25
    D. A class I have used this skill in is ICE when the 3D printer keeps jamming and we had to try and solve the problem are self's.. 20/20
    Answers: 17/20
    Comment: 10/10
    Self- Evaluation: 5/5
    total: 95/95

  12. A.Jordan, s

    B. You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its orders and decrees. An evil system never deserves such allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of the evil. A good person will resist an evil system with his or her whole soul.
    ~ Mahatma Gandhi
    C. I am using critical thinking when I am doing this quiz because you are thinking about what answers you want to put down.
    D. In Sports and entertainment we had to create an invention so that is critical thinking
    H. 90/100

  13. Jordan, L (5,5)
    A. Skill #1 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (5/5)
    B. “The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it is the same problem you had last year." — John Foster Dulles (10/10)
    C. In any class you take you have to use problem solving skills and think about reasonable actions to take. Instead of asking someone what to do, I think about other options that are possible. (20/25)
    D. Every year everyone over comes a problem and this skill has to be used in order to pass by it. Whether it is a school project, starting to think about college and what you want to do with your life or anything in between sometimes you need to sit and think out what the best step is to take next with is involved with problem solving. Having to start to talk about where I want to go with my life really stresses me out but I have to figure out what the main problem is and then consider my options in more depth. (18/20)
    Answers are original, have some depth and relate to your life. (19/20)
    Comment is in a neat and organized format. Use the letters above. (10/10)
    Self- Evaluate your performance on this quiz. (5/5)
    Total Quiz Score = (92/100)

  14. Anne, Kocher (5/5)
    A. #1 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
    B. "It is today we must create the world of the future." - Eleanor Roosevelt
    C. When doing projects or assignments, I can push myself to write more and think in depth as to what I’m writing. I can always write more than what is expected and try my hardest on everything assigned to me. Also, I can pay attention to the little things more than the major points given to make my writing better.
    D. In recent years, I have taken English classes where I have had to write research paper on an issue I thought was important to me. I wrote about animal abuse and animal rights. I had to figure out which facts would fit into my paper the best by printing and reading through various sources.
    A. (5/5) B. (10/10) C. (22/25) D. (20/20)
    Answers are original, have some depth, and relate to your life. (19/20)
    Comment is in a neat and organized format. Use the letters above. (10/10)
    Self-evaluate your performance on this Quiz (5/5)
    Total Quiz Score = (96/100)

  15. Zachary,Gabbey (5/5)
    A. Skill #1 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving(5/5)
    B. "Problems are nothing, but wake up calls for creativity"-Gerhrad Gschwanter(10/10)
    C. In this class I will have to get used to working independently and at a fast pace. I will also have to learn to take challenges and to do my best to beat them.(23/25)
    D. In the past years, I have learned a lot about the seven skills. I learned the most from Leadership, in which we had multiple projects to accomplish based on the seven skills.(20/20)
    Answers are original, have some depth, and relate to your life.(20/20)
    Comment is in a neat and organized format. Use the letters above.(10/10)
    Self-Evaluate your performance on this Quiz.(5/5)
    Total Quiz Score =(98/100)

  16. David B (x/5)
    A.Skill #1 Critical Thinking and Problem solveing " (x/5)
    B. "Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve." - Roger Lewin
    C.In this class I can learn to work alone and good. I will have to think for myself and learn faster (xx/25)
    D. In English we had a project that required us to think really hard and this applies to Critical thinking because u have to think hard and long and come up with a original answer without getting told the answer(xx/20)
    Answers are original, have some depth, and relate to your life. (xx/20)
    Comment is in a neat and organized format. Use the letters above. (xx/10)
    (4/5) (x/5)
    Total Quiz Score = XX/100 (you do the math :0)

  17. Alex, R (5/5)
    A. I’m going to discuss number 7, Curiosity & Imagination. (5/5)
    B. “The future belongs to the curious, the ones who are not afraid to try it, explore it, poke at it, question it, and turn it inside out.” -skillshare.com (10/10)
    C. One way I can promote the improvement of this skill in everyday class is by challenging myself to try to do a more challenging problem in class to make my mind think and make me think more creatively which helps me improve on curiosity and imagination. (25/25)
    D. To help with number 5 Effective Oral and Written Communication a class can have a project that makes the student whether it be powerpoint or flash cards that helps the student improve talking in front of a group of people. This can also help with a job interview. (20/20)
    Answers: (20/20)
    Comment: (10/10)
    Self-Evaluation: (5/5)
    Total-Score: (100/100)

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Morgan R (5/5)
    A: Skill #7- Curiosity & Imagination (5/5)
    B:Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination, because it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise, gratifies its curiosity, and gives it an idea of which it was not before possessed.
    — Joseph Addison
    C: In this class I will use my imagination to create all different things. Having curiosity will push me to try new things to see how they all work. (25/25)
    D: In sports and entertainment marketing we did many projects that you had to come up with ideas on your own. I used my curiosity when I had to come up/design an object that had to be presented to the class. I had to figure out what would go good together and what I thought would be interesting to others. (20/20)
    Total Quiz Score: (98/100)

  20. Evan K. (5/5)

    A. Skill #1, Critical thinking and problem Solving (5/5)

    B. "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." - Albert Einstein (10/10)

    C. When solving a problem in class, I need to stop and think about all the options that I could choose to pick the right one. (25/25)

    D. On my Pre-Calculus homework, there were a couple questions that we never learned, so I had to think about how I could solve them. My solutions were looking back in the book, looking in my notes, and trying different formulas that we learned in class. (20/20)

    Answers are original, have some depth, and relate to your life. (20/20)

    Comment is in a neat and organized format. Use the letters above. (10/10)

    Self-Evaluate your performance on this Quiz (5/5)

    Total Quiz Score = 100/100

  21. Evan K. (5/5)

    A. Skill #1, Critical thinking and problem Solving (5/5)

    B. "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." - Albert Einstein (10/10)

    C. When solving a problem in class, I need to stop and think about all the options that I could choose to pick the right one. (25/25)

    D. On my Pre-Calculus homework, there were a couple questions that we never learned, so I had to think about how I could solve them. My solutions were looking back in the book, looking in my notes, and trying different formulas that we learned in class. (20/20)

    Answers are original, have some depth, and relate to your life. (20/20)

    Comment is in a neat and organized format. Use the letters above. (10/10)

    Self-Evaluate your performance on this Quiz (5/5)

    Total Quiz Score = 100/100

  22. Joshua L. (5/5)

    A. Skill #7 (5/5)

    B. No one is dumb who is curious. The people who don't ask questions remain clueless throughout their lives. - Neil Degrasse Tyson (10/10)

    C. When learning about topics in this class, ask questions and know everything thoroughly.(25/25)

    D. Other classes often teach the basics of a subject for me, so after I complete an assignment on an interesting topic I will research it and ask questions to learn more. For example, in biology when we learned about evolution, I decided to go off on my own and learn much more about it than was taught in class.(20/20)

    Answers are original, have some depth, and relate to your life. (20/20)

    Comment is in a neat and organized format. Use the letters above. (10/10)

    Total quiz score = 100/100

  23. Nathan, N. (5/5)
    A. 7 - Curiosity & Imagination (5/5)
    B. “Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try” – Dr. Seuss http://twistedsifter.com/2012/03/15-famous-quotes-on-creativity/ (10/10)
    C. I can keep a notebook to write down any random yet useful, creative thoughts. I will be notice the little difficulties in life and think of a way to make them better.(25/25)
    D. I am currently working on a mechanical hand in ICE Class. It has been done before but I am attempting to use 3D printed pieces which is innovative and takes imagination (#7). (20/20)
    Answers: (20/20)
    Comment: (10/10)
    Self-Evaluation: (5/5)
    Total Quiz Score = 100/100 (I did the math :0)

  24. Nathan, N. (5/5)
    A. 7 - Curiosity & Imagination (5/5)
    B. “Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try” – Dr. Seuss http://twistedsifter.com/2012/03/15-famous-quotes-on-creativity/ (10/10)
    C. I can keep a notebook to write down any random yet useful, creative thoughts. I will be notice the little difficulties in life and think of a way to make them better.(25/25)
    D. I am currently working on a mechanical hand in ICE Class. It has been done before but I am attempting to use 3D printed pieces which is innovative and takes imagination (#7). (20/20)
    Answers: (20/20)
    Comment: (10/10)
    Self-Evaluation: (5/5)
    Total Quiz Score = 100/100 (I did the math :0)

  25. Madysen, Evans (5/5)
    Critical thinking and problem solving (5/5)
    “ Efforts to develop critical thinking falter in practice because too many professors still lecture to passive audiences instead of challenging students to apply what they have learned to new questions.” (10/10)
    Listen carefully and understand the question that the teacher gives me and make sure my answer make sense. (24/25)
    Creative Studies, because we do a lot of problem solving and critical thinking.(18/20)
    Answers are original, have some depth, and relate to your life. (19/20)
    Comment is in a neat and organized format. Use the letters above. (10/10)
    Self-Evaluate your performance on this Quiz (⅘)
    Total Quiz Score = 94/100

  26. Madysen, Evans (5/5)
    Critical thinking and problem solving (5/5)
    “ Efforts to develop critical thinking falter in practice because too many professors still lecture to passive audiences instead of challenging students to apply what they have learned to new questions.” (10/10)
    Listen carefully and understand the question that the teacher gives me and make sure my answer make sense. (24/25)
    Creative Studies, because we do a lot of problem solving and critical thinking.(18/20)
    Answers are original, have some depth, and relate to your life. (19/20)
    Comment is in a neat and organized format. Use the letters above. (10/10)
    Self-Evaluate your performance on this Quiz (⅘)
    Total Quiz Score = 94/100

  27. Joshua J (5/5)
    A. #5 Effective Oral & Written Communication (5/5)

    B.The speed of communications is wondrous to behold. It is also true that speed can multiply the distribution of information that we know to be untrue. -Edward R. Murrow (10/10)

    C. It helps you communicate with your fellow class mates and teacher. It gets you to speak more like asking questions. (20/25)

    D. The class that promotes skill #5 is English Class. English class helps you learn better grammar and better speaking. When you write you can write about pretty much anything you want to. English can also get better and speaking too. (20/20)

    Answers are original, have some depth, and relate to your life. (20/20)

    Comment is in a neat and organized format. Use the letters above. (10/10)

    Self-Evaluate your performance on this Quiz (5/5)

    Total Quiz Score = 95/100 (you do the math :0)

  28. Samantha W (5/5)
    A.) Skill #7 Curiosity and Imagination (5/5)
    B.) “Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.” -Albert Einstein (10/10)
    C.)Using the Tinkercad program can help inspire imagination, and develop it by letting you experiment with this skill. It also provokes curiosity because there are many different, new things to do on the program. (25/25)
    D.) My final art project of last year promoted my development of imagination because we had to design a piece of art based on the interpretation of our favorite quote, leaving room for us to design whatever our imagination let us think of. We could use any media we wanted for our design, which made it all the more inspiring. (20/20)

    Answers are original, have some depth, and relate to your life. (20/20)
    Comment is in a neat and organized format. Use the letters above. (10/10)
    Self-Evaluate your performance on this Quiz (4/5)

    Total Quiz Score= 99/100

  29. Ally,P (5/5)
    A. I’m going to discuss skill number 7 which is Curiosity and imagination (5/5)
    B.”We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” -Walt Disney(10/10)
    C. Something in this class that will let us express our curiosity and imagination is the Tinker Card website. With this website we will be able to use our imagination and our curiosity to explore the website so we can create whatever our imagination wants us to. (25 /25)
    D. When i was in English class i had to use my curiosity and imagination to write poems and essays. With writing poems and and essays that don't require a certain topic, your imagination will let you write what it wants to. (17/20)
    Answers are original, have some depth, and relate to your life. (20/20)
    Comment is in a neat and organized format. Use the letters above. (10/10)
    Self-Evaluate your performance on this Quiz (5/5)
    Total Quiz Score = 97/100

  30. A) I am going to discuss skill number 3 which is Agility & Adaptability (5/5)
    B)" I couldn't have been a great goalkeeper without power, agility and quickness."
    -Hope Solo (10/10)
    C) I can Get better at working with computers. (25/25)
    D) In freshman seminar we have to bring things in that represents up than present it to the class. this promotes skill number 5 Effective Oral & Written Communication(20/20)

    Answers are original, have some depth, and relate to your life. (20/20)
    Comment is in a neat and organized format. Use the letters above. (10/10)
    Self-Evaluate your performance on this Quiz (5/5)
    Total Quiz Score = 100/100 (I did the math the math :0)

  31. Nathan, R (5/5)
    A. Number 7, Imagination and curiosity (5/5)
    B. “The future belongs to the curious, the ones who are not afraid to try it, explore it, poke at it, question it, and turn it inside out.” -skillshare.com (10/10)
    C. One way I can promote the improvement of this skill in everyday class is by challenging myself to try to do a more challenging problem in class to make my mind think and make me think more creatively which helps me improve on curiosity and imagination (25/25)
    D. To help with number 5 Effective Oral and Written Communication a class can have a project that makes the student whether it be PowerPoint or flash cards that helps the student improve talking in front of a group of people. This can also help with a job interview (20/20)
    Answers (20/20)
    Comment (10/10)
    Self-Evaluate (5/5)
    Total Quiz Score = 100/100

  32. Jeffrey, C. (5/5)
    A. Skill number #6 - Accessing & Analyzing Information (5/5)
    B. "Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant."
    -Mitchell Kapor (10/10)
    C. We will be using the internet, the internet is loaded with information that about anyone can access, I might use the information for a project (25/25)
    D. A project that had me use this skill was a social studies project that allowed us to use the internet to access information to make a poster about a era in time (20/20)

    Answers are original, have some depth, and relate to your life. (20/20)
    Comment is in a neat and organized format. Use the letters above. (7/10)
    Self-Evaluate your performance on this Quiz (4/5)
    Total Quiz Score = 96/100 (:0)

  33. Jacob M. (5/5)
    A) I will be doing number 7: Curiosity and Imagination (5/5)
    B) "Curiosity will conquer fear even more than bravery will." - James Stephens (5/5)
    C) One way is to do new assignments or projects that give us more freedom to explore new ways to do these projects. If we take a look what's inside something, for example a computer, we want to know how it works. (22/25)
    D) The recent one, Disassemble and present a PC. My group was creative of how to present the project. Instead of just using the internet in the hopes of the rest of class will suddenly understand, we thought that bringing the physical computer and show all the parts physically would make the class remember better.
    Answers were original, have some depth, and relate to life (19/20)
    Comment is in a neat and organized format. Use the letters above (10/10)
    Self-Evaluate your performance on this quiz (4/5)
    Total Quiz Score = (95/100)
